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La Fundación Dr. Gabriel Serrano Sanmiguel comparte la magia de la navidad con los...

• La Fundación tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de vida y la educación de las familias dominicanas de escasos recursos. • El Dr. Gabriel Serrano, fundador y presidente de SESDERMA, mantiene varias obras de interés social y de desarrollo inmobiliario en la zona de Bayahíbe.

Director General del periódico digital RDfirmaautorizada realiza visita de cortesía al Presidente de Efemérides...

Santo Domingo, RD.- La mañana del miércoles el Director del periódico Digital RD Firma Autorizada. Carlos Polanco, realizó una visita de cortesía al Presidente...

Cruz Roja Dominicana Herrera se Reúne con el Comité de Emergencia de SDO

Santo Domingo Oeste. RD.  Cruz Roja Dominicana Filial Herrera encabezada por su presidente Hugo Geronimo Martinez , se reunió la noche del domingo 18...

How to Prevent and Treat Knee and Ankle Pain

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

Top 5 Ways to Stay Healthy This Summer

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

Why Do Women Cope With Stress A Lot Better than Men

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

5 Essential Rules to a Healthy and Happy Life

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

How Often Do You Need to See Eat Vegetables?

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

The 5 Most Influential People In The World

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

Africa: Five Star Luxury and Wildlife Encounters

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...
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