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Celebrating Body Empowerment with Real Women

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

Ministerio Betel Casa de Pan sigue llevando esperanza a las comunidades vulnerables de RD.

Como parte de su misión socio espiritual, el Ministerio Betel Casa de Pan estuvo visitando el pasado sábado 23 de diciembre, a los niños...

Review of the Best Wireless Headphones

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

Experience The Great Wall of China on a Layover

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

Social Media is Changing the Face of the Beauty Industry

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

Director General del periódico digital RDfirmaautorizada realiza visita de cortesía al Presidente de Efemérides...

Santo Domingo, RD.- La mañana del miércoles el Director del periódico Digital RD Firma Autorizada. Carlos Polanco, realizó una visita de cortesía al Presidente...

After the Party: How to Fake a Good Night’s Sleep

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

Rituals and Traditions to Bring Good Fortune

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...

Banda Jireh anuncia espectacular concierto de Worship y Rock Cristiano

Santo Domingo, R.D. La reconocida banda cristiana Jireh, anunció la realización de su concierto, el 29 del presente mes, en Chao Café Teatro, donde...

Polo Can’t Be Allowed to Go on in its Current Situation

What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These...
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